Karns Grammar School - 1945

Grade 1:

Edward Boles Shirley Nicely
Kenneth Brown Loretta Nolan
Elsie Burgess Wanda Faye Palmer
Terry Calhoun Shirley Pennix
Morris Calloway Fred Raufhuff
Carolyn Coleman Bobby Russell
C.R. Conner Glen Smith
Herman Cooper Dorothy Stallings
J. Cornwell Edward Thornton
Fred Crawford Jack Turner
Suzanne Dovel Tommy Walker
Wanda June Grindstaff Diane Watkins
Albert Hackney George Weaver
Robert Lee Hankins Shirley Weaver
Sally Lou Hendrickson Charles Weese
Jerry Lynn Lyons
Bonny Kate Maner
Paul Mantooth
Mildred Meredith
George Moreland

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